Monday, April 02, 2007

An Update

Its been a really long time since I posted anything substantial - well, as i mentioned earlier, the last few months have been a really difficult time for me...after separating from my girlfriend of seven years. In any case, life goes on, and hopefully the passage of time will heal some of the emotional scars...

Tthere are many things that I hope to do in the upcoming present - partly to keep busy and occupied, but more importantly, to do the things that I've always wanted to do, but somehow for various reasons, did not. This will include volunteer work at a children's home, learning how to sing (sacred music) and to travel. WIll update my activity schedule accordingly.

As for this blog, there are some areas of change that I plan to introduce. For starters, my posts are going to be much shorter (unless its an issue that I've got lots to say - and if that's the case, it won't be on this blog).

Secondly, i'll probably comment a lot lesser on Christianity and a bit more on political issues. In return, i'll be posting book reviews of Christian literature that i've read - so that folks can get a sense of my theological, academic and cultural inclinations. Again, I really don't plan to write a lot - probably a para or two, at most.

Last but not least, I do hope to make this blog a little more personal - without being over-bearing - its probably easier to update my blog this way.

Ok, this post is getting way too long... stay tuned.


Blogger Chris Sim said...

Hi Ben!
Welcome back to blogosphere. Love comes and go.... and God's willing, you'll meet someone really special one day. Yeah, good idea to keep the post short.... too long an article can be quite off-putting.... heheh..

5:59 PM  

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