Friday, August 24, 2007

Book Stocktake

Realized that my bookshelf is burdgeoning and the number of books that I've YET to read is ever-increasing. A quick stock-take of the books that I have NOT read or have only partially read are as follows:

- Complete Works of HR Rookmaaker (6 Volumes)
- Defense of the Faith (Cornelius Van Til)
- The One, The Three, The Many (Colin Gunton)
- The Idiot (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)
- Crimes and Punishment (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)
- From the Shadows (Robert Gates)
- To Change China (Jonathan Spence)
- Paradise Lost (John Milton)
- The Next Christendom (Philip Jenkins) - still in shrink-wrapped condition after three months!
- Conscientious Objections (Neil Postman)

Partially read
- God, Revelation and Authority (Carl FH Henry) - 6 volumes
- Christianity and Western Thought (Colin Brown) - 2 volumes
- The Victory of Reason (Rodney Stark)
- Purity of Heart is to Will One Thing (Soren Kierkegaard)
- The Technological Society, Propaganda, Reason for Being, The Humiliation of the Word, The Technological Bluff (all by Jacques Ellul)
- Art in Action (Nicholas Wolterstorff)
- The Lexus and the Olive Tree, The World is Flat (Thomas Friedman)
- Decline of the West (Oswald Spengler)
- The Story of Philosophy (Will Durant)
- Death of Death in the Death of Christ (John Owen)
- L'abri (Edith Schaeffer)
- Wild Swans (Jung Chan)


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