Friday, June 26, 2009

The Passing of Michael Jackson: Some Sobering Thoughts

AS the world of pop gets caught up with mourning the passing of Michael Jackson, here's an excellent article from the National Review Online.

I suspect that part of the world's adoration for MJ has got to do with the TV-saturated culture that we find ourselves in today where personality (which is what TV gives us) - instead of character - is seen as as more reliable testimony of a person's true self. None of us know Mike well enough - to venerate him to this extent says more about our ways of judging than who Mike is as a person.

I would suggest we read, and re-read Neil's Postman classic, Amusing ourselves to Death - to understand the malaise of modern TV culture - in remedying our understanding of our times.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

How Should We Then Live

Check out Prof Douglas Groothuis book review of Francis Schaeffer's How Should WE Then Live.
As some of you may know, Schaeffer's writings profoundly influenced my thinking during my undergraduate days - even up to this day.
Am currently working on a paper on Schaeffer's thoughts and its relevance to the Protestant Reformation. Its due end of the month...still got some way to go.